so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation
That has just got to ring BELLS!!!
They almost seem to be tipping the R&F off. Why even bring up the accuracy of the NWT Bible?
Yes, they obviously know that JW are finding out much about the WTS and its ways. But foolishly they are telling them specific areas of doubt.
Any thinking person has just got to follow up on this. Really, think of this senerio. Suppose you hired a real estate agency to assist you in buying a house. Then this agency told you that many of their clients are now trying to investigate the integrity of the houses that this real estate agency had been selling. And besides this, the real estate agency now tells you that it is unnecessary and a waste of your time to even inquire about the specifics of the house you are willing to invest in. Would that just scream to you that something is fishy?
OMG is all I can say.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)